
ALL 3333 Birds SOLD OUT



Project Aves "BirdsNBlades Pixel NFT collection" || 3333 Randomly Generated NFTs

The Birds are going to war!
Grab your sword! Grab your gear!
There’s a war happening!
It’s fight or flight!
Join the fight

Become a part of history..



BirdsNBlades are a collection of Unique Avian warriors in a style of Role-Playing Game-Esque characters. Developed By Polynode Studios ! The Birds are preparing for war, groups of unknown races have begun to appear within the domain of birds. What shall you do when the enemy attacks?

BirdsNBlades Is the Genesis stage of Project aves. This collection features 3333 Unique Bird warriors. After completion and when every bird is minted, we will be moving towards phase 2 and our extended universe collection which will feature and reveal another two more races that will be entirely classified as a separate collection within the same mythos

They can be Mages, Rogues, Merchants, Paladins... BirdsNBlades Holders will exclusively hold voting rights on where the Comic leads to...

Community vault

20% of the profits will go into the treasury, this wallet will be used for community-voted efforts.


Legendary birds

33 of 3333 of the mints will spawn a legendary.


BirdsNBlades:Origins Comic

The Comic tells the fabled tale of Percy, a bird seeking vengeance over the destruction of his land from the vile mysterious enemies. BirdsNBlades Holders will be granted the power to shift the tides of war by voting on how the story progresses. After the casting of votes, the storytellers will curate the next chapter of the comic until completion. Each curated page will be raffled away to holders. We have planned 100 Pages of Tales Of The Birds(TOBT) NFTs.


Comic Voting

Holders will be granted the power to shift the tides of war by voting on how the story progresses. Fortunate birds forever be immortalized within the pages to incentivise vibrant community engagement.





Phase 1

Launch the 3333 Collection on Integration of a community wallet, Planning of roadmap 2.0 will come after phase 2... We are currently working on a 100 Comic Page collection. Holders decide the fate of Percy, a lone bird seeking justice from the invasion of the unknown entities? Are they friend or foe?

Phase 2

Past through the comic, we will reveal Collection 2 another 3333 Supply collection within the same world as the BirdsNBlades.
They will be subtly introduced within the Community NFT Comic.

Into the Metaverse

Moving forward into the Polynode Metaverse, The Birds joins the Universe of wizards, rouges, paladins, warriors, clerics, barbarians.
We will be introducing more factions into the BirdsNBlades universe. These factions will be their own complete collection that will be used for collaborative projects in the future of the series.



Creative Lead

Twitter: @PlaneOwl

Discord: PlaneOwl#1416

Lead Artist

Twitter: @Jojjywil

Discord: EpicFRIEND#7693

Backend Developer

Twitter: @filfagundes

Discord: Felipe Fagundes#7525

Co Lead / Operations Manager

Discord: meltedwater#2007

Air Marshal

Discord: nmoch#7902

Community Manager

Discord: Kirin#0618


Twitter: @Decrusadeer

Discord: Decrusadeer#0549

Lore Writer

Discord: The Last Word#2684

We developed Birds'N'Blades